Thursday, February 12, 2009

How to run SQL script in Oracle SQL*Plus?

You might be seeking answers on this question: How to run a SQL script in Oracle SQL*Plus? You're very lucky for I know the answer to that question.

Let's create a new sql script file and name it runthis.sql. Let's assume that the following lines are the content of your runthis.sql file:

INSERT INTO phonebook(phone_id, phone_number,phone_name) VALUES(2,'09114563782','Ben');
INSERT INTO phonebook(phone_id, phone_number,phone_name) VALUES(3,'09114563783','Ken');
INSERT INTO phonebook(phone_id, phone_number,phone_name) VALUES(4,'09114563784','Len');

Save runthis.sql to C:\yoursqlfolder

Now, to run your sql file in Oracle SQL*Plus, just type the command below in SQL> prompt.


That's it. It's very simple to run sql script in Oracle SQL*Plus.

- Millionaire Mind Ben de Leon

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